Friday, 16 February 2018 07:45

Free flight aviary at Pukaha Mt Bruce

Free flight aviary at Pukaha Mt Bruce Free flight aviary at Pukaha Mt Bruce Mt Bruce

At Pukaha Mt Bruce staff have been delighted with the way the birds have settled into their new home in the free flight aviary. The whio and pateke are loving their new areas and are not difficult to spot. The whio are in an ‘internal aviary’ with a new river run while the other birds are all together in the bigger aviary space.  Both the pateke and whio are breeding pairs.

The korimako seem to spend all day singing  and while the kaka and kereru took a little while to settle in, they have been busy exploring their new space and are almost oblivious to the visitors who walk through the aviary.

If you are lucky enough to be at Pukaha at the free flight aviary at around 4pm there could be a ranger talk at the “Final Flight” area. It tells the story of the restoration project for the Pukaha forest and how captive breeding can help to protect and grow our endangered species 

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