Friday, 16 February 2018 08:31

World heritage site northern Australia

At Mungalla Stud, a property of 880 hectares there are approximately 230 hectares of seasonally inundated wetlands which are adjacent to the World Heritage Great Barrier Reef and also the IUCN listed Halifax Bay Wetlands National Park.

These wetland have been degraded by invasive plants as a result of installing an earth wall to halt the flow of saline tidal water into  the wetlands and by spread in to the wetland  of these “weeds of national significance”. This has resulted in major changes to the nutrient regimes, ecosystem stability and function of the wetlands.   

While biodiversity and amenity values have been compromised there is excellent capacity for restoration.  The Nywaigi Traditional  owners have determined to return the wetlands to a more natural state and through a series of projects funded through the Australian Government they have begun the process of rehabilitation.

Since the start of restoration the Mungalla Aboriginal Corporation for Business has concentrated on:

  • Weed control on the Annabone Wetlands
  • Revegetation Molongo creddk
  • Removal of the earth wall
  • Weed control in Palm Creek and other fringes.

Mungalla acknowledge and thank the  Australian Government for funding and assistance through the Caring for Country  programme. Community action Grants and the Biodiversity Fund and they acknowledge the support of the GBRMPA through the Sea Country grants.

“We have benefitted and worked really well with CSIRO who are providing Mungatta Aboriginal Corporation with advice and scientific direction on the rehabilitation and restoration of our wetlands. 

This partnership has grown over the last 10 years and we appreciate the support of CSIRO and Dr Tony Grice. And especially acknowledge Mike Nicholas a friend and mentor, and we thank him greatly”.   

Jacob Cassady (Director) and Chris Cassady (NRM Manager).

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