Friday, 23 February 2018 08:23

Mute swans on site

Swans. Loving new home: Even the ducks have accepted them. Swans. Loving new home: Even the ducks have accepted them. Liz Brook

Having their own water feature right in front of their home is a rewarding and entertaining result for hard work for Steve Clarkson and Lyn Watson.

Several years ago they built their attractive home that sits right on the edge of their main pond, and now after years of toil they have a  grand vista as a backdrop to their everyday living.

Just last year they acquired two Mute Swans. The pair settled in well, and add another interesting touch to the scenery. With luck there will be more than two white swans on that pond.

Steve and Lyn also run a few black and coloured sheep and Lyn takes full advantage of  using their wonderful wool to make a variety of garments and useful items.

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