Sunday, 12 November 2017 20:21

Spring Has Sprung

Black stilts: Breeding pair. Black stilts: Breeding pair. Leone Heyden

The 2017/18 breeding season has begun and The Isaac Conservation and Wildlife Trust (ICWT) once again reached its busy rearing phase.

Early October saw the collection of the first clutch of critically endangered New Zealand shore plover eggs for artificial incubation. Critically endangered black stilt/kaki pairs had also begun laying eggs.

ICWT is happy to report that three clutches have been incubated by critically endangered orange-fronted parakeet breeding pairs, as well as eight healthy chicks presently being raised. (see page 9).

The first South Island blue duck/whio ducklings hatched, while North Island ducklings hatched soon after. Meanwhile five brown teal/pateke pairs have hatched ducklings and more will be on the way.

ICWT’s reptiles are becoming more active with the warming weather, meaning tuatara,  Otago skinks and grand skinks will be breeding as well.

As always, ICWT’s ambitious native planting  programme across the Isaac Conservation Park and the Otukaikino River restoration site continues; while salvaged historic buildings continue to be restored to their former glory in the Heritage Village.

For more information see:
Sabrina Luecht,
Wildlife Project Administrator,

Read 2537 times Last modified on Thursday, 12 April 2018 22:53