Thursday, 23 August 2018 20:12

From the President

John Cheyne, DUNZ President John Cheyne, DUNZ President

Well, spring has passed with good numbers of ducklings observed on local wetlands in Central Hawke’s Bay. The problem now is, will the weather gods give us enough rain to top the wetlands up before a projected dry summer? Fingers crossed.

DU NZ has supported a number of wetland enhancement projects over many years but we have also been sponsoring a number of students carrying out research on wetlands and birds. This issue of Flight features updates on research being carried out by students from Victoria University on Wairio wetland and a student from Massey University working on bittern at Lake Whatuma. I look forward to reading their reports. (see pages 6-7 and pages 10-11).

The DU Directors are meeting later this month and the location for our 2015 annual conference will be confirmed.

I trust you all had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year.

John Cheyne

Read 1708 times Last modified on Thursday, 23 August 2018 20:33
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