Friday, 23 February 2018 07:34

Order of Merit for top bloke

Why has James (better known as Jim) Campbell been awarded the Member of New Zealand Order of Merit? Usually it is for achievement or service to the community  and for Jim Campbell mainly for services to conservation.

But there is more – read on.

The Order is awarded to those “who in any field of endeavour have rendered meritorious service to the Crown and the nation or who have become distinguished by their eminence, talents, contributions, or other merits”. That is our DUNZ Patron, our Jim. 

The list of reasons below makes that clear:

  • A sensitive farmer
  • A compulsive tree planter
  • A digger of large holes
  • A breeder of birds
  • An arch-enemy of vermin
  • A National Trust Covenanter
  • Patron of Ducks Unlimited New Zealand
  • A teller of tall (and short) stories
  • An outstanding host
  • A generous, encouraging and humble gentleman.

There are few people of the Wairarapa who haven’t heard of Jim Campbell – and many well beyond. His reputation as a farmer, conservationist, wetlands creator, water fowl breeder and welcoming host, precedes him. At age 73, an age at which for many, signal retirement, Jim Campbell is constantly in motion – helping, giving, inspiring, leading and directing in the cause of environmental quality.

If ever an Honour was richly deserved; this is it – long overdue to an outstanding environmental role model.

Alan Fielding

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