Friday, 23 February 2018 07:12

Pukaha Mt Bruce ups the anti on Predators

Beginning: Free flight aviary takes shape. Beginning: Free flight aviary takes shape.

New self re-setting traps for Pukaha

Pukaha has been looking at a wider range of options for predator control in the reserve and the surrounding buffer zone. Then thanks to a generous donation from Pub Charity, they were able to purchase a number of A24 self resetting stoat and rat traps.

You can check them out at

The initial consignment of traps are for their buffer zone provided by the Greater Wellington Regional Council and are also near the aviaries at the Visitor Centre. This February they will be rolling out these devices into their ‘front face’ to supplement the current DoC 250 traps.

The total number of rats caught in the 12 month period September 2014 - September 2015 in both the reserve and buffer zone was 1530. The number of mustelids (weasels, stoats and ferrets) was 104.

Pukaha are continuing to look at innovative predator control techniques and will keep supporters updated on progress.


Concrete, concrete and more concrete was the order of the day when the footing was laid for the  new free flight aviary. The construction was underway thanks to the teams at Rigg-Zschokke Ltd and Higgins Contractors, The team at Puckaha Mt Bruce were hoping that all going to plan they are aiming for an opening date in late February 2016.

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