Thursday, 22 November 2018 09:15

From the President

Ross Cottle Ross Cottle

The 2018 AGM in Hamilton is over for the year and a great success it was, with about 50 people attending the Saturday night dinner and auction. Just under $5000 was raised thanks to the persistence of auctioneer Dan Steele.

I am delighted to welcome two new members onto the Board with Adrienne Longuet-Bushell and Liz Brook allowing their names to be put forward. Liz has retired from her role as editor for Flight magazine but still felt she wanted to contribute to the organisation, so thank you to both of them.

Our new editor is Alison Murray and she is keen to hear from any members with material for the magazine – her email address is below.

As we have not been receiving the same level of inquiry as previously for funds for the construction of wetlands, the Board is looking into providing ongoing scholarship funding for university students working in the environment and wetland fields, so watch this space. 



Read 1519 times Last modified on Thursday, 22 November 2018 09:37
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