Tuesday, 27 February 2018 06:54

AGM 2014 Minutes

2014: Dinner fun 2014: Dinner fun Liz Brook
Ducks Unlimited New Zealand
40th Annual General Meeting 2 August 2014
9am at Brackenbridge Conference Centre, Martinborough.
The President John Cheyne, welcomed members to the 40th Annual General Meeting.

Ian, Dawn and Paul Pirani, Nancy Payne, James and Di Martin, Dan Steele, Anne Russell, Chris Bindon, Clare Worth

That the apologies tendered are accepted.
Moved: Di Pritt
Seconded: Ian Jensen

Minutes of the last AGM:
(Copies available at the AGM.)
Motion: That the minutes of the last AGM be accepted as a true and complete record.
Moved: John Bishop.
Seconded: Jim Campbell.

Matters arising from the 2013 minutes:
No matters arising.

President’s Report:
John Cheyne (Circulated in Flight #164, copies available at the AGM.) -
John thanked the Board for their contribution.
- Talked about Bittern research which the Board is supporting to $2.5K
Motion: The President’s report is accepted.
Moved: John Bishop, Seconded: Jim Campbell.

Matters arising from the President’s 2013 Report:
No matters arising.

Financial Report:
John Bishop
John presented the Financial Report which is subject to review Income $61K Expenses $68K - Our membership is waxing and waning. -
Change in AGM receipts due to way accommodation was charged.
- Chapter donations are half.
- Still a deficit of $7K.
Motion: That the 2014 financial report be accepted.
Moved: John Bishop, Seconded: Jim Campbell.

Waterfowl and Wetlands Trust Report:
David Smith.
A/Cs completed and reviewed.
The Financial Year ends 31 December.
Funds were up from $415K to $437K, an improvement of our position by 8.4%.
As always subject to $$ fluctuations however fund is in good shape.
Moved: Di Pritt,
Seconded: K Barnes.

Election of Officers:
Board Election: The President read out the following Statement:

The Constitution states that the Board should consist of not less than six, of which half, but not more than two thirds shall be permanently appointed Directors. As of right, the permanent appointments are the Chairman, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Other permanent appointments are Neil Candy and William Abel.

Nominations for the Board:
As there are no new nominations the existing board members, Jim Law and John Dermer, be re-elected.
Moved: David Smith,
Seconded: Glenys Hansen.

Wetland Care: William Abel (tabled).
Royal Swan Report: William Abel (tabled).
Website Report (tabled).
Michelle Cooper (webmaster) covered off her report.
Have had good hits on the website. If anyone has anything for website please let us know
Wairio Wetland: Jim Law (Full report tabled).
Jim firstly recognised the involvement of Ross Cottle, Jim Campbell, Howard Egan and John Cheyne on the Wairio project. He showed some photos of the project.
Summary: This project lead by DU, is strongly supported and seen as a success. It is a forerunner for the collaborative process with DOC.
Mike Camm (Full report tabled).

Peter Russell (Full report tabled).
Peter talked to his report. Young pairs going well, using wild birds and flock mating. Bringing in South Island eggs. Survival rates are pretty good. Releasing at Egmont, think the tides have turned.
Membership Report:
Jan Abel.
- 75% renewal rate for membership to date – about same as last year.
- How would people feel with emailing out membership renewals? With another increase coming up in postage would this be a good opportunity?

General Business: 
Liz Brook Flight Editor spoke to the meeting – she would like more photos or material from members.

John Bishop talked to the AGM.
-looking for guidance from members as to where DUNZ goes in the future. Mentioned that DU Canada has their AGM every two years, also mentioned letter from Whangarei Forest & Bird. Maybe put money in a Trust?

The meeting closed at 10.05am
Read 1543 times Last modified on Tuesday, 27 February 2018 07:29