Monday, 04 September 2017 11:50

Australian Bittern

NZ Members brave the weather.
The weather was not wonderful, but Robin and Heather List are seasoned birders and the pair set off to Wairio to check on the birds and do a count.
Robin said "The expedition consisted of Heather and me. We have the gear and do wetlands in squalls right cheerfully so there was no grumbling in the ranks, though the waterproof notebook was abandoned in favour of a little recorder, which worked well under wet windy conditions. The sun broke through at times and the whole place was looking grand at wetlands in winter can."
"There wasn't a feather of a Dabchick nor Bittern to be seen, so we'll go looking in other haunts. It is possible they haven't read the books and aren't breeding yet, but it has been a mild winter."
"What we did see or hear in the space of 2 hours and 10 minutes, not counting the walk along the road back to the car was, here in random order."
  • Black Swan 135
  • Mallard X Grey 26 (possibly a couple of shovellers amoung the tussocks at the sheds pond, but I think they prefer Boggy Pond)
  • Teal 25
  • Yellowhammer 15,
  • Harrier 4,
  • Blackbird 4,
  • Welcome Swallow 6,
  • Pukeko 6,
  • Magpie 4,
  • Kingfisher 3,
  • Silver-eye 37,
  • Goldfinch 15,
  • Black Shag 1,
  • Skylark 2,
  • Spurwing Plover 5,
  • Grey Warbler 1.
All up 16 species were seen by this intrepid pair who also had an enjoyable lunch and excellent company in beautiful surroundings. Who could ask for more?" Said Robin.
Read 3146 times Last modified on Tuesday, 31 October 2017 00:30