Thursday, 22 February 2018 06:29

From the president

John Cheyne John Cheyne

Well we have survived another predicted El Nino summer and in Hawke’s Bay, where I reside, most wetlands managed to avoid drying out because we did receive some welcome rain in the latter part of summer. This was of significant benefit to a wide diversity of bird and fish species dependant on these wetlands. Wetlands need water to function and this has always been a cornerstone of DU’s work.

Our organisation is very dependent on the “back office” staff (Secretary Jan Able, Flight Editor Liz Brook, Web Site Manager Michelle Cooper). It is with some sadness that I farewell Jan Abel who has been our very valuable contribution over recent years. Thank you Jan. At the same time I warmly welcome Mary Mason from Martinborough who has agreed to take up the position and we look forward to working with you.

There are a number of reforms proposed by the current Government for the Resource Management Act (RMA). These will impact on rivers, lakes and wetlands in both a positive and, in my opinion, a negative way. DU has not become involved in these issues in the past but as individuals it as simple as checking on line and making a  submission. These issues are big picture ones and certainly justify comment. Our AGM is in Taupo this year July 29-31, and our team have an interesting programme organised. I look forward to meeting you all again there.

John Cheyne

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